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Bluewater Bridges Photograph by Peggy King

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Comments (4)

Jon Burch

Jon Burch

Congratulations on your sale!

Peggy King replied:

Thanks so much, Jon!

Lisa Stunda

Lisa Stunda

iv seen the bridge and area many times , i v taken the odd picture of around the bridge and my kids , but never a proffesional one , this is very nice

Peggy King replied:

Thanks so much, Lisa! "Under the bridge" is one of my favourite places, in any weather or time of day. I think the water has most to do with it. The waterfront is beautiful to walk on both sides of the border.

Peggy King

Peggy King

Thanks Ann. I love the Great Lakes too. Grew up not far from north shore of Lake Erie, lived in Port Huron for four years in the late 60s, then came back to the Canadian side in '69 and have lived in and around the Sarnia area ever since. One year in college I walked the bridge from Port Huron to Sarnia many, many weekends! No car in those days. ;~) I almost mentioned Livonia in our first exchange since my Mom worked and lived there about 25 years ago! Small world, eh? Would love to see your Port Huron views of the bridge(s).

Ann Horn

Ann Horn

Fine capture of a familiar landmark! I knew immediately that you took this from Sarnia. My images of the bridge are all from Port Huron, where my grandparents and parents were from. Though all the relatives but one are gone from there now, I still take a day trip to Port Huron once or twice a year. I am hooked on the Great Lakes.

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Bluewater Bridges by Peggy King
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