Hacunda Still Life

by Peggy King
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.750 inches
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Hacunda Still Life
Peggy King
Painting - Acrylics On Canvas
This was painted in response to a contest here on FAA where a photo by Robert James Hacunda was to be the still life set up.
March 15th, 2014
Comments (5)

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
PEGGY, this is such a remarkable painting. At first I thought this was a photo. After reading the description as well as the comment from Dan Redmon, I know the circumstances which motivated you to paint this outstanding work of art. YOU deserves much praise for this as well as all of your works of art on FAA. Bravo for you. LF P.S.Thank you for your encouraging comments.

Dan Redmon
Peggy, you really produced in a relatively short time. Thanks for taking the challenge. My entry was only a black and white study which I do before rendering in color. I was so anxious to paint my color version. I just plain ran out of time due to so many distractions. My version was going to substitute the celery with a cluster of paint brushes and colorful paint tubes for the carrots with my palette for the colander. Then leave the other veggies in place. I was disappointed that we didn't see at least a couple dozen entries. Yours is certainly well done and you deserve your prize of one of my greeting cards. Contact me from my website and let me know which card you choose and my left brain office executive wife will get it to you pronto. Not only am I pleased but if you enjoyed reading the discussion that spawned this contest you'll agree that Robert James Hacunda appreciates it also. - Dan Redmon .
Peggy King replied:
Dan, I so appreciate your kind and generous comments. I love your idea of using paint brushes, paint tubes and palette in the picture and look forward to seeing the finished painting!! Hopefully the next such contest will garner more entries - I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and look forward to the next one. :-)

Renee Trenholm
I love the way your painting turned out. It is very well done. V/F Also voted for it in the contest. I was looking forward to perusing all the entries but at least yours was there to catch votes!!! Good luck!
Peggy King replied:
Thanks so much, Renee for your encouraging comments - and the votes! Yes, I was disappointed by the lack of participation in the contest as I was looking forward to seeing several versions. Thanks again!!

Ann Horn
Well done, Peggy. Your colors are so bright and beautiful!!! f/l Also voted in the contest... you can't lose :>)
Peggy King replied:
Thanks so much, Ann! I did expect the contest would generate some interesting responses so that much is a disappointment, but I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and I'm pleased with the result.... the contest, not so much. ;-)