In The Morning Light

by Peggy King
In The Morning Light
Peggy King
Photograph - Photography
Even in unseasonably warm weather, November 23 in SW Ontario is a strange time to find dozens of dragonflies, still covered in a heavy overnight dew, hugging the trees, bushes and dried weeds, waiting patiently to dry! Right place and the right time, I was enthralled by the sight of them as the early morning sun burned through a misty haze and glinted off the tiny beads of dew on their bodies and wings, making them shine like tiny glass-beaded light bulbs all along the path beside the pond. Had they hatched in this warmer weather, or do they migrate? An awesome sight to say the least, so I'm sharing them with you.
November 24th, 2009
Comments (12)

Peggy King
Thanks Nick and Marlene - it truly was like having walked into a fairy tale. Even though they look frozen and it was the last week of November, the temperature was about 40F and it was actually tiny little dew drops that caught the early morning sunlight. The dragonflies were alive and well, simply waiting to dry off and fly away.