
by Peggy King
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 inches
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Peggy King
Painting - Watercolour
Pansies are a symbol of remembrance. With that in mind, this was painted to be auctioned at the Relay for Life event taking place in Sarnia, Ontario June 19-20, 2009. The proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society in the name of our team, Old Phart's Irish Sweater. My sister-in-law and friend, Terri O'Connor wrote a poem to go with the painting:
In memory of those she loved
The pansy bows her head
As long as they live in her heart
They are never dead.
Since cancer has touched our lives so closely, far too many times, this is one small way we can fight back. To that end, $5.00 from the sale of each Pansies print will continue to be donated to the Cancer Society.
June 5th, 2009
Comments (3)

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Peggy, Thanks for your caring nature and wonderful spirit. YOU do lovely, beautiful, gorgeous paintings. Your generous nature is very noteworthy. Thanks for asking about Betty. (I guess u read my e-mail) Best regards, good health and happiness to you and family, Anne

Peggy King
Thanks Jimmie! My daughters' father died of cancer of the esophagus almost 2 years ago. Even though we had been divorced for more than 30 years, and we have lost several other family members to cancer, it is particularly in his honour that we take part in the Relay for Life. Every little bit we can do to fight back against this insidious disease, is worth the effort.