Paper White

by Peggy King
Paper White
Peggy King
Photograph - Photograph
Taken at Butterfly Conservatory, Niagara Falls, Ontario
Also known as Rice Paper or Large Tree Nymph, this butterfly (Idea leuconoe) is native to South East Asia.
July 21st, 2012
Comments (6)

Vladimir Kholostykh
I like your butterfly collection, Peggy! This one I like best! v/f
Peggy King replied:
Thank you, Vladimir! I lose all track of time when I am in the conservatory - it is an enchantment to be surrounded by such beauty.

Kristin Elmquist
I believe that was actually the original name for them before butterfly came into the vernacular, Peggy. :)

Kristin Elmquist
Great shot of this beautiful flutterby, Peggy. Vote.
Peggy King replied:
Your comment and vote are very much appreciated, Kristin... thanks! I always wonder why they aren't called flutterby - seems the perfect name to me! :-)