Powder Puff Blossom

by Peggy King
Comments (6)

Hanne Lore Koehler
WOW, Peggy!!! What a beautiful capture!!! I've never seen one of these magnificent blooms! Thank you for sharing! L/F
Peggy King replied:
Thank you, Hanne! They truly are unique and beautiful... Tina provided a great link about them in her comment below.

Tina Myers
It's a Shaving Brush Tree, Pseudobombax ellipticum. More info here: http://rareflora.com/bombaxellip.htm

Peggy King
Thanks Suzie. It's actually a tree blossom. I'm not sure what the "real" name is, we've always just called them Powder Puff trees. This was taken near beside Lake Osborne at Lake Worth, Florida. I am always fascinated by them, and end up taking dozens of photos, just because they are so brilliantly colourful and so extremely unusual. Glad you enjoy it too!