
by Peggy King
Peggy King
Photograph - Photography
Pt. Pelee National Park, Leamington, Ontario is the southern most point of mainland Canada - at approximately the same latitude as Rome - and a favourite spot for birders. The morning was overcast and quite windy but this one captured the beauty within it.
September 22nd, 2011
Comments (11)

Kathleen Haack
i am now 67 years old and i grew up at our family's cottage just outside the entrance gaits to the park. i wanted to thank you for your picture, it captures the poignant memory of point pelee which lives in my heart lo these many years later. my dreams resided at the horizon and hope lived in the dancing sunlight. adventure and mystery rolled in the waves. and peace in the sound they made. a moment when i owned nothing and had everything...where i first met God.
Peggy King replied:
Kathleen, what a lovely testimonial... I'm so glad this photo touched you and I thank you for sharing. My apologies for not seeing and replying to your comment earlier.

Ann Horn
Gorgeous image, Peggy. The tiny sliver of pink on the horizon and the shimmering light on the lake are simply lovely!
Peggy King replied:
How did I miss these comments?? Thank you, Ann.... pictures from this particular day will always bring a smile and happy memories of a special day with a special friend. ;-)